Summer School on Metrology for Thin Film Materials
Special Summer School on Metrology for Thin Films Materials, organized within the EMPR project ENG53 ThinErgy.
The Summer School will take place on Monday, 26 September 2016. The duration is all day.
Morning Session
8.45 : Omar El Gawhary (VSL): Opening and welcome to all participants.
9.00 : 10.30 Paul Urbach (TU Delft) – Current research on superresolution microscopy
10.30 : 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 : 12.00 Andreas Hertwig (BAM) Analysing thin films by spectroscopic ellipsometry: Accuracy, Traceability, and complex properties
12.00 : 14.00: Lunch. (Lunch is offered to all participants). Possibility for student visit to PVcomB (13:00-13:45)
Afternoon Session
14.00 : 15.30 Peter de Groot (Zygo) Interference microscopy and materials characterization.
15:30 : 16.00 Coffee break
16.00: 17.30 Poul-Erik Hansen, (DFM), Inverse problems and material properties.
Close of the school.